Need-Based Grants:
- Educational Assistance Grant (EAG)– Need-based program. Annual award amounts range and are determined by student need.
- Guaranteed Access Grant (GAG)– Need-based program. The maximum award amount for the 2024-2025 academic year is $22,100.
- 2+2 Transfer Scholarship–designed to assist and encourage transfer students from Maryland community colleges to attend a 4-year institution within the State.
- Near Completer Grant– Provides financial assistance to Maryland residents who were previously enrolled in a degree program that they did not complete, and now plan to re-enroll to earn their degree Students must have at least 90 attempted credits to be eligible.
Legislative Scholarships:
If your Delegates and/or State Senator makes their own awards, you must call or write to the legislator for further instructions. MHEC can provide a list of all Maryland legislators. If you do not know how to contact your Delegates or State Senator, you may call the Board of Supervisors of Elections in your home county, or visit www.mdelect.net.
- Delegate Scholarships– Annual award amounts vary and may be need-or merit-based awards. Some Delegates make their own awards and some Delegates ask MHEC to make awards for them. Students may be awarded more than one Delegate Scholarship.
- Senatorial Scholarships– Annual award amounts vary and may be need-or merit-based awards. Some Senators make their own awards and some Senators ask MHEC to make awards for them. Students may be awarded more than one Senatorial Scholarship.
Career/Occupation-Based Grants & Scholarships:
- Teaching Fellows for Maryland
- Charles W. Riley Firefighter and Ambulance and Rescue Squad Member Scholarship
- Workforce Shortage Student Assistance Grant
Unique Populations:
More Information on MHEC Awards
For a full list of MHEC’s programs, deadlines, and any applicable separate application or eligibility requirements please visit their website. If you have questions about your award, please feel free to refer to the communication you received from MHEC, log in to your MDCAPS account or contact MHEC’s Office of Student Financial Aid Assistance by telephone at 410-767-3300, or via e-mail at osfamail.mhec@maryland.gov.